by Zahra Barnes
Liv’s forehead knotted itself into a maze
of wrinkles as she muddled her blackberries.
“I don’t think I’m making enough
juice,” she whispered.
I’d brought her along to my second
mixology class as a thank you for her taking me to that drink and draw event.
We were making pretty elaborate blackberry gimlets, but patience wasn’t
Liv’s strong suit.
She stopped twisting and eyed her smushed berries, unenthused. “Can
we just get to the drinking part?” She took a sip of straight gin. “It’s
fine without the berries, I swear.”
“Plus, I only came so you could fill me in about the Grant
situation. I prefer my drinks to be handed to me, ready for consumption.” She
set her muddler down and perched on a stool. Her eyes shone at the promise of
gossip even juicier than the mashed berries in front of us. Stalling until
Johnny, the grumpy bartender, was out of earshot, I strained my drink and
offered Liv a taste. She swatted the glass away. Okay, more for me.
“Spill. It.”
When I walked into work on Tuesday, I could tell Liv had a hard
time holding back her questions. She’d spent Labor Day weekend in Nantucket
with her family and texted me on Monday, “about to OD on
family time. Save me. What happened with Grant?!” So
when we finally saw each other face-to-face, she was ready to burst. Marian was
back, though, so I couldn’t just tell all. I’d
promised I’d fill her in after the mixology class.
“We hooked up.”
“I KNEW it!” She crowed, and everyone turned to
look. She quieted herself, then repeated herself in a hiss. “I
knew it! How was it?”
“Honestly?” I grinned at the ceiling, trying to
find the right word. “Amazing.”
“Noooo wayyyyy.”
“Yes. It wasn’t my finest moment because it happened
in a freaking bathroom, which is gross, but I couldn’t hold back. It was
insane. Like he was a double cheeseburger and I hadn’t eaten in years.”
“A bathroom?!” She whisper-screamed and I grabbed her
thigh, laughing. I was flooded with a giddiness that harkened back to middle
school, shared secrets, and jagged half-heart necklaces that pledged best
friendship forever.
“Yes. I know. Whatever, isn’t that the kind of
thing people need to do to have fully lived their 20s? Validate me, here.”
She sobered and held up two fingers to her chest in a mangled
imitation of a Girl Scout, her chin quivering as she fought off a laugh. “I
solemnly swear you are legally not allowed to turn 30 until you’ve
fucked someone’s brains out in a bathroom.” She
cackled and took a swig of my drink, her red hair tumbling over her shoulders.
“Well, what are you going to do?” She’d
drained my glass, so I reached over and finished making hers so I could have
another taste.
“He called me the next day and asked if we could have dinner.
We’re meeting up tomorrow.”
“Okay, you didn’t really answer my question. Are you
getting back together?”
“I have no idea. I mean, who even knows if he wants to start
it all up again? And this weird thing happened at one point.”
I explained what had gone down with the condom. Liv stabbed an
errant blackberry with a toothpick and frowned.
“So you don't think he was telling the truth?”
“I’m going to ask him tomorrow. It’s
just a little convenient, you know?”
She nodded. “Good plan. Either way, at least you
got good sex out of it.”
This was true. But over the past few days, I’d
struggled with what had happened. I swung from rapturous delight to panic that
I wasn’t just betraying myself, but all of womankind by considering
dating Grant again. This was made no better by consulting my friends. Celine
was, of course, very laissez-faire: “You will know the right decision to
make,” she told me when I got back and explained what had happened.
Marley wasn’t so sure. “Obviously I’ll
support you in whatever you do, but I personally don’t think going back
to him is the smartest choice.”
And I’d finally fessed up to my mom,
although I’d begged her not to tell my dad what was going on lest he
fly up to New York and make Grant regret the day he was born. She’d
echoed Marley’s sentiments.
“You’re my baby girl, and I just don’t
want to see you get hurt.” Her slight Southern accent, courtesy
of a military brat childhood partially spent in Georgia, made me ache with
missing her.
Liv snapped me back to the moment. “I mean, you guys
were pretty serious, right? Going to go for the whole marriage, babies,
“I hadn’t gone as far as kids, but I did kind
of think we’d get married. I just didn’t really want to
jinx it by bringing it up too soon.” Truth be told, toward the end of our
relationship I’d caught myself checking out passing babies in strollers the
way construction workers watch women’s asses when they walk by. I’d
approach the stroller, staring ahead like a normally-functioning human being.
As soon as it passed, my head would instinctively swivel so I could get a
glimpse of the tiny face peeking out of its burrito-like swaddling. Don’t
get me wrong, it wholly freaked me out. At the same time, it was a hint that my
body, if not my mind, was getting ready to settle down.
“That’s a big deal. Everyone makes mistakes,
you know? Really, if you thought he was it, like it, then a momentary
lapse of judgment may be worth getting over. If you can.”
- - -
Around 7:00 p.m. the next day, I was wrapping up at Grey &
Boehm. Grant and I were meeting at a tapas place on the Upper East Side.
Instead of going to one of our mainstays around the city, when he called me the
day after our bathroom, ahem, encounter, he’d suggested
somewhere we’d never been.
“Something new would be nice,” he’d
said. The unspoken understanding was that a new place could also mean a new us,
if I agreed to get on board.
I was typing up my last email of the day when Marian came over
and hovered by my desk. Ever since she’d gotten back from Ibiza, she wouldn’t
take off these massive Dior sunglasses that engulfed half her face. I suspected
she was either trying to hide the blistering results of falling asleep on the
beach with said glasses on or conceal a botched eyelid surgery. It was a
“Do you know what has struck me since my return to Grey &
Boehm, Tessa?”
This was not going to be good.
“That back office just overflowing.” Dammit.
I thought she never went in there. Marian was very much into orderliness, and
our back office was where we kept basically any paper related to Grey &
Boehm: press materials for past shows (Marian would suddenly be hit with an
idea and want to see what we’d done like it before), financial
files for our remote accounts team member, and tons of other stuff that, each
time I tried to organize it, made me feel like I was drowning.
“Imagine Grey & Boehm is my mind, and there is an entire
corner overrun with trash. Does that sound good to you? In order for me to have
a clear mind, every part of this space must be clear as well. I want my mind to
be a blank space, ready for inspiration to strike.”
“Clean the back room. I’m on it!”
“Good. I expect it to be done by the time I get in tomorrow
morning. I have an important meeting in the afternoon, so I need everything in
My stomach sank. I had to leave to meet Grant, and no way could I
be late because I was filing papers. But wait, what meeting? I asked her as
much and got an evasive “It’s just business” reply.
She was still facing me, but I got the uneasy feeling she was avoiding my gaze.
“Oh, I forgot.” She went to her office without another
word, giving me the chance to type a few more sentences in my email. When she
returned, she dropped a thick card made of stock paper on my desk. “They
say the invitation is non-transferable, but that’s ridiculous. RSVP
and tell them you work for me and you’ll be attending in my place, if you
It was an invitation to an upcoming art gala and, from the looks
of it, was going to be pretty snazzy.
“Wow, thank you! I’d love to go.”
She shrugged, then pointed a dark, lacquered nail at me. “Remember,
that back office.” With that, she was off.
“I can handle the back room, if you want,” Liv
piped up. “I know you need to meet Grant and I don’t
have plans tonight.”
“Are you sure? I’m going to come in early tomorrow to
handle it, so you totally don’t need to.”
“No, don’t worry about it. It’ll
be a chance for me to see how Grey & Boehm’s changed over the
years, anyway.”
“You are seriously the best. I owe you. Let me walk you
through it.” I quickly showed her the haphazard filing system we had in
place, and pointed at various piles of papers we could trash. I still planned
on coming in early, but now at least I knew some of it would be taken care of.
I got to the restaurant at 8:00, right on time. The hostess led
me toward the back, where Grant was waiting. The bar was dark and buzzing with
energy, all of us aware this was the type of place, and the type of night, we’d
imagined would be staples of our glamorous, grown-up lives. It made it easy to
forget the many nights I’d had $9 wine and gelato for dinner.
The place was littered with candles that threw sharp, dancing shadows against
the walls.
Grant looked at me and his eyes lit up. He stood and held out a
massive bouquet of blush-pink peonies, my favorite. We’d spent so many
Saturdays strolling through the city, me stopping him at each flower stand to
point out which were the prettiest of the day. Peonies always reigned supreme.
It was about the only thing I had in common with a Pinterest-obsessed bride.
“They’re beautiful.” I
buried my face in them, inhaling their heady smell.
I could read his thoughts like they were broadcast on his forehead.
I should say “so are you,” right?
No, she’ll laugh me out of this place.
He was right.
“You look great,” he said. The waitress set our waters
down and he started fidgeting with his glass immediately.
“Thanks. So do you.” His grey cardigan outlined his muscles
quite nicely.
“How’d work go?” We
fell into an easy conversation, and it felt like it always had. We talked about
our respective days as if we didn’t have a much larger, more pressing
issue to discuss. I limited myself to just one gin and tonic and stuck to water
besides that. I knew I’d need my wits about me for this.
“So, I’ve been seeing someone,” he
started as soon as we put in our orders. Before I could fully stroke out, he
saw my expression and hastily added. “A therapist. I’ve been seeing a
therapist. Well, I had my first session last week.”
I was speechless but quickly recovered. “That’s
really great to hear. What made you decide to do that?” It
was pretty obvious, but I wanted to be sure.
“After everything happened with us I realized I must have
screwed it up for a reason, and then to let you find out that way instead of
just telling you…” He trailed off, trying to organize his
thoughts. “I don’t want to fuck it up again. And if you
give me a chance, I won’t.”
“Are you actually sure you still want this? I mean, it’s
your chance to be single when you probably thought you wouldn’t
get that again.” Even though I’d been blissed-out
with Grant, my friends’ stories about dating had sometimes
made me wonder what it would be like to be on my own.I never seriously
considered dumping him just to experience it. It was more like I wondered how
Parallel Universe Tessa’s single life was going. It didn’t
help that Marley had recently gone on a Tinder date with a pro soccer player
who she swore must have had a battery-operated tongue. She was dying for me to
start swiping.
“I’m positive. Being without you,
especially in the apartment, which is the place I thought would make us even
closer, has only made me realize what a mistake it was.”
He’d stopped fidgeting, and his voice was
steady. He was the picture of decisiveness. His clenched jaw only added an
extra “I am so sure about this” sign
of resolve. And it was just really hot.
“What exactly was the mistake, do you think?” I
was over judging him and what he’d done at this point. I just wanted to
see if we were remotely on the same page about what had happened.
“Well, my first mistake was not being honest about how much
it was all affecting me. I guess it was obvious to me because I’m
in my head, but I don’t think you realized it. I like to
think you’d have worked on it if you did.”
“Okay, I’m glad you know that. I viewed every
time you were annoyed with work or Marian as its own separate incident instead
of realizing it was all snowballing into something that made you feel so
isolated from me. And I wish I’d known, because of course I would
have done my best to change that. No matter what’s happened between
us, I hate to think of you upset or feeling like you weren’t
a priority. Like you were alone in this.” I
was parched after that mini-speech and gulped down some water.
He nodded then kept speaking, clearly on a roll. “And
then my second mistake was obviously what I did with Sophie. But I think the
worst part was not telling you. I honestly don’t know what was
going through my head, besides wanting to protect you in the moment. But that’s
what I’m talking to someone to figure out.”
“Is it working?”
“Well I’ve only had one session and it was
more of a getting-to-know-you thing. Nothing too intense yet.”
I was so impressed that he was willing to do something serious
like therapy, and that he’d done it before we’d
even seen each other at the engagement party. It wasn’t just for show.
“So, what’s the deal with Sophie?” I
did my best to keep my face neutral, even though saying her name still pained
“I have zero contact with her. Nothing. I mean, she was
already in a different department but I haven’t even seen her on
the floor since you and I, you know, took our break.”
“But what if you do?” I shoved away nauseating visions of
them having cheesy conference room sex.
“I’ve told her so many times that it was
a mistake, will never happen again, that I love you, the whole nine. She
stopped texting me, and if she does, I’ll tell her again. And what I said
before still stands. I’ll quit if it’s what it takes to
make you trust me again. This is New York, I can find another job. I can’t
really find another you.”
I was touched, but I still knew I wouldn’t just be able to
snap back into trusting him. My heart couldn’t rebound like a
star basketball player, no matter how badly I wanted it to.
“And remind me what you said about the condom?”
He furrowed his brow, confused. “Condom?”
“The one you whipped out at Cait and Mike’s?” I
wanted to know for sure that he wasn’t carrying it around because he was
hoping to get lucky with someone else while still telling me he missed me. Of
course it would have been his right, we were broken up, but it would have been
pretty bold.
“Well, I knew I’d see you. It was presumptuous, and I’m
sorry if it was tacky. I just hoped basically exactly what happened would
happen. Plus, I know how much you like rooftops.” He
raised an eyebrow suggestively. For some reason, rooftops turn me on. I think
it’s because I’m slightly scared of heights, but it’s
always such a gorgeous view that just seeing it makes me feel powerful? I long
ago learned to stop questioning and just accept it for what it is.
“So, do you have any more questions?”
He didn’t ask in a condescending or fed up
way, and I appreciated it. In one of the many articles I’d found while
googling “should I take him back after cheating seriously what do I
do,” the best piece of advice I’d found was that
the cheater should be willing to answer any questions the cheated-on party has.
In return, the cheated-on has to accept those answers and get over it if they’re
going to make it work.
“Yes. Where the hell did you get that cardigan?”
We spent the rest of the night catching up on everything that had
happened since the last time we’d really talked. Hours flew by, and I
didn’t touch a drop of booze after my first drink. I didn’t
need it. I was intoxicated, drunk on him, and I felt like I couldn’t
get enough.
The waitress edged her way over and we finally looked up. Our
food was barely touched, and we were woozy like we were resurfacing from the
bottom of the ocean after a deep dive. I looked around and realized we were the
last people there.
“This has been fun, but I should get home.” I
was reluctant to leave, but I needed to get in early and make sure the office
was in perfect shape for Marian’s mysterious meeting.
After we split the tab (he tried to insist on taking care of it,
but I refused), he grabbed our to-go boxes and my flowers. We walked the few
short blocks to my place and paused on a spare bit of sidewalk.
“It was so amazing to see you.” He
towered over me, and swear to God, my knees felt weak.
“Likewise. It really was.”
“So, at the risk of sounding lame: what does this mean?”
I knew this might blow up in my face. I was well-aware that in a
few months, I might find out Grant cheated again and wish I’d
walked away at this very moment. But he was trying, and I loved him. It really
felt that simple. At the same time, I wasn’t going to jump
right back in like nothing had ever happened.
“Let’s just see where this goes. Sort of
like we’re starting over?”
“With the potential of being together again?” A
look of hope dawned across his face, and my insides melted like the world’s
most perfect campfire-toasted s’more.
“I can see us heading there, yes. But we should take it
He nodded, studying me tentatively. “Is it okay if I
kiss you goodnight?”
I tilted my head and filed a mental note to email Benefit a thank
you for their They’re Real! mascara, which was allowing
me to flutter my eyelashes like it was my job. “I can’t
say I’m against kissing on the first date.”
He rested the food and flowers on a ledge next to us and brought
me in close. Normally I’d be watching my leftovers like a hawk
(I barely touched those steak kebabs!), but I was swept up in the moment. He
pushed my hair behind my ear like a goddamn Disney prince and kissed me like he
meant it.
Grant finally pulled away. I was glad he was holding me up, otherwise
I might have dissolved onto the filthy sidewalk into a puddle of Tessa that
busy New Yorkers would step over, unruffled, on the way to their final
“I am going to woo the hell out of you, Tessa.”
I fully believed him, and I couldn’t wait.
Well I REALLY hope she's right in believing him. I liked this sentence, it made me laugh out loud at work "Truth be told, toward the end of our relationship I’d caught myself checking out passing babies in strollers the way construction workers watch women’s asses when they walk by", haha!
ReplyDeleteAnyways, I have misgivings about second-time arounds, but I am open to seeing this work out, just not completely for or against him. I think things are going to get complicated once he starts courting her again (like she'll meet other men, and it'll be a mess of a decision to make, etc).
Awesome post!!!!
ReplyDeleteSomething bad is going to come of Liv reorganizing the back room....
ReplyDeleteOr not organize....let's see if she can back stab and get Tessa fired....
DeleteYessss omg so happy about this, I so badly want them to work it out. I would love for this to be a blog about a young adult couple and the "normal" ups and down that comes with a relationship. The "bedroom blog" as it were, and then josies blog were all about the dating scene and then ending with them finding their long term partners. I just think it would be a refreshing change to read a blog about something different and I really, really hope Grant and Tessa make it work and this blog follows them on their journey. I know so many of us have been a situation like this, and it would just be great to read a blog that mirrors a real life scenario so many of us have had to deal with.
ReplyDeleteYou may already read it, but a great blog is California Soul Blog. It has been going on for quite a while now and has followed a relationship. It's really good!
DeleteThanks for the suggestion! I'll check it out
Deletereally good blog, i'm getting into the story! also, you're hilarious and have a fresh way with words. i love that this post contained so much information -- the fact that each post is so good and long keeps me interested even though this is once a week. thanks for a good read :)
ReplyDeleteI love that he plans to woo her! I also think that Liv reorganizing the back room is going to be a problem - either she's going to discover something or she's not who she seems and something's going down. mum
ReplyDeleteTotally agree!! I keep waiting for something awful to happen with Liv....something just seems off to me. As soon as she volunteered to do the back room I had a feeling it wouldn't end well. Wondering if she's going to not do it on purpose to try and get Tessa in trouble. Also agree about the wooing! Too cute!
DeleteGrant's last line melted me like a puddle. This story is on the right track! I am so excited. I can actually cheer them on because they are both flawed people trying to grow in to better people together. Well done!
ReplyDeleteLOVED ITπ!!!!!! Please please please keep this going π
ReplyDeleteYAYYY!!! I hope it works out between them.
ReplyDeleteMy guess on Liv reorganizing the back room is that she is going to discover a deep dark secret about their boss, something that was hidden away in there....
ReplyDeleteOR, that Marion will come in and discover Liv doing the work, and promote her over Tessa, causing some jealousy.
OR, that her secret meeting is that she is going to be selling the gallery, possibly due to a health issue (going away for surgery/the dark glasses).
I know, I know...too many theories and they can't all be right! :)
super :)
ReplyDeletelove your writing style! please write a rom-commy book someday!
ReplyDeleteGreat post! Was so scared that the meeting with Grant will be the next post instead when Marian appeared.
ReplyDeleteKinda different plot - Really like this new take of trying out again/giving another go. Can't wait to see how it will work out!!
ditto. i love the fact that they're working it out but it will still give tessa time to find herself in other ways. too many blogs end with cheating and then moving to a new city and starting a new life. i think it's actually much more realistic to not be able to let go of the relationship and give it a second shot. hope it works out for those two!
DeleteI appreciate that you give so much info in posts! like someone else said, seemed like we'd have to wait to hear about grant. I think it's so important for blogs that only get written once a week to have something that builds off of and answers the last post a bit or it's just so difficult to enjoy! I disagree with the above poster that mentioned sticking with a cheater is more realistic. I don't know anyone that has stayed in a relationship after being cheated on. I'm sure it happens of course, but I wouldn't say it is more realistic. Clearly the author wants us to like grant and believe that he won't cheat again--- hence all the stuff about wooing her, seeing a psychologist, the special flowers etc. given some circumstances like these, I do think getting back together is worth a shot but very rarely is the one who cheated THIS apologetic, reflective and kind about it so it doesn't seem to reflect a real cheating story to me. Whatever happens, if Tessa is cheated on the first time, that's Grant's fault... if Tessa gets cheated on a second time...
ReplyDeleteSo happy she's giving him another chance!!!!! He better not screw up again though...
ReplyDeleteI love this blog.....That is all!
ReplyDeleteNice post. I like this blog but I think your giving us what we want instead. Tessa was trying to move on, readers complained after the art class that she was suppose to make it work with Grant so that's what we have here. Plus Tessa has been so stubborn and all of a sudden she's taking responsibility for working too much and but having time for Grant. That's a another thing so many complained about. I find your last couple posts very predictable.
ReplyDeleteI also suspect something sketchy/bad is going to come out of the back room reorganization thing but I REALLY REALLY REALLY hope it doesn't involve Liv being a backstabber or liar or something. I like her and I like her and Tessa's friendship... I'd so much rather read about girl friends than girl fights.
ReplyDeleteRegardless this was a great post !! Love it and totally open to whatever is going on with Grant and Tessa :)
Really loving Grant & Tessa! So many of these "fake" blogs revolve around drama (and many times very unrealistic but super entertaining storylines) that'd I'd love to see this one stay more on the path of being realistic. A look into the ups & downs of a serious relationship, daily work stories, etc. etc. so I hope that Liv isn't some evil plant trying to mess things up @ G & B...
ReplyDeleteWait. Who was Tessa again??
ReplyDeleteIs that a typo? Tessa is the protagonist.
DeleteIn reference to the mascara plug, have you heard of Younique's fiber lashes mascara? It's pretty amazing!
ReplyDeleteI figure if people can plug their blogs (and Zahara mentioned mascara), hopefully it's ok to post this. I've been reading this blog as well LSP, K's blog, etc. for YEARS. Love them!
Zahra I just wanted to tell you how much I love your story about Tessa. I honestly stopped reading Elizabeth's awhile ago, but I've stuck around for yours. I wish we could have more posts a week about this story. If only!
ReplyDeleteLove this story so far :)