By Zahra Barnes
The room was silent for a beat after Amy slammed the door
behind her. While I was busy trying to figure out how to delicately pick my way
across this minefield of a conversation, Celine brazenly said what we were all
“What’s her problem?” She took a confident sip of her drink,
having no idea what a tangled story lay behind Finn and Amy’s
Finn laughed and raked a hand through his hair, obviously
embarrassed by the spectacle.
“She’s just freaking out a little.”
Obviously. I wasn’t shocked. Amy was excellent when you
needed someone on your side, but she was also incredibly uptight. She once
broke out in hives because an extra person showed up to a very fancy,
invite-only dinner party she was throwing at her apartment. I tried to calm her
down in her bedroom as she carved a pencil across a spare place card, gripping
it so tightly her knuckles turned bone-white. “This throws everything off,” she
said through clenched teeth.
So, yeah, I wasn’t surprised.
“What, she’s losing it about you leaving finance?” He was
usually pretty open with me, so I was surprised he hadn’t talked to me about
their apparently huge problems.
“I mean, it’s mainly that. I don’t know if this is what I
want to do, and it’s screwing with her perfectly-planned future.”
“So you have no idea what you’d do instead?”
“Not really. I just don’t see the point of spending my life
in an office with a bunch of people who have sticks up their asses and wish
their lives were like Wolf of Wall Street.”
“Well, you’re not chasing after her so that says something.”
“Amy really needs time to cool off after things like that.”
He shrugged. He’d clearly been on the receiving end of an Amy explosion before.
“Yeah, but it’s so not okay that she talks to you like
that!" I’d half-expected Finn to trail after her with his tail between his
“I know. We’re working on it. Can we just drop it?”
I opened my mouth to say yes, of course, but he could talk
to me about it whenever. He continued before I could get a word in edgewise.
“Actually, I think I’m just going to go for a walk. Get some
fresh air.” He definitely didn’t want to be the center of attention like this,
but I had a hunch he was itching to talk about it.
“Let me come with you,” I volunteered.
I knew it was easy to let the city steal hours from you
while you wandered around, dazed, thinking about your problems. Sometimes, all
you needed was someone who would stay in step beside you. “Will you guys be
fine here?” I didn’t want to desert Marley and Celine, but Finn obviously
needed someone to talk to.
“Of course, we’ll just get to know each other!” Celine gave
me an encouraging smile, which Marley mimicked.
We headed out into the balmy night. Tons of people were
swarming the streets, tripping over each other tipsily, laughing. We headed
down 2nd Avenue and I waited, knowing that silence can crack a person better
than even the most insightful question. After four blocks of walking with his
hands shoved in his pockets, he started talking.
“I understand where Amy’s coming from. This isn’t what she
signed up for, you know? She thought she’d be set with a guy who could give her
everything she's ever wanted. And I thought that was what I was ready to do.”
“But now I don’t know. I guess I’ve been thinking about my
mom lately. The anniversary’s coming up.”
Now it was making more sense. Finn’s mom had died the
September after his sixth birthday, when he was too young to really have
concrete memories of her. What she had left him, while breast cancer lay waste
to her body, was letters. Tons of them, trying to take care of her son the only
way she could think of as her time dwindled.
He shook his head as if to clear the memories. “My dad and
Connor expect this life from me, but I know this isn’t what Mom would want.
Maybe it’s just because she isn’t here, but I feel like I should listen to that
if I’m not happy.” We turned around and headed back in the direction of my
“It isn’t just because she’s not here. I mean, that’s
obviously an important part of it,” I added hastily. “But even if she were,
you’d still deserve to do what you want. I really do believe that.” Finn and I
had talked many times about how it seems like people just become complacent
after a few years in "the real world," unwittingly distinguishing the
fire under their asses that used to give them life. Whether it’s because
they’re scared of instability or because they think people are supposed to
spend most hours of their lives at jobs they hate, always dreading Mondays, I
couldn’t get on board. I felt so lucky to have escaped that reality at my job,
and I wanted everyone I cared about to feel the same.
“I know you’re right. But it would be a huge change. For
starters, I definitely wouldn’t be able to afford my apartment. Wouldn’t be
able to afford Amy, either.” He laughed and dodged a dudebro who was hoarsely
yelling into the night air about Bocce ball.
“If Amy thinks you can’t afford her, then let her leave.
That’s not what relationships should be about! If it were, don’t you think I’d
have snagged a pro basketball player so I could be spending time on the beach
in the south of France rather than hanging around this insane city?” I nudged
“You go get that basketball player, Tessa. I believe in
you.” He nudged me back playfully and knocked me off balance.
“Finn, seriously! Her attitude about your relationship is so
weird. She’s got a great job at J.Crew, she’s got that whole Lean In thing
going on. Why does she need you to be rolling in it?”
“It’s just what she knows. It’s how her family works. Don
made sure Muffy was very comfortable from the moment they met.” Amy’s parents
Don and Muffy were legendary in our friend circle because they were they were
the ultimate caricatures of WASPiness.
“Yeah, but isn’t our life’s purpose supposed to be rebelling
against our parents?” I was only half-joking. “I just think her attitude is a
little medieval.”
“You could say that. I’m not sure what’s holding us
together. Even the physical part is kind of off.”
“What?!” I’m sure people all the way in Jersey cocked their
heads, trying to figure out where the shriek came from. Finn was respectfully
tight-lipped about their sex life, but I had a few ideas. I’d once groped
around under Amy’s bed to find my phone after I’d dropped it, only to
disbelievingly pull out a pair of handcuffs. Not the fuzzy pink kind, either.
These were the industrial-grade, inescapable type that looked like they would
make it through a nuclear holocaust. Since then, I’d pictured her unleashing
all those pent-up nerves in a torrent of kinkiness. Her geyser-like eruption of
attitude at my apartment made a lot more sense now. Holding back all those
sexual urges couldn’t be easy.
“Yeah. We’ve just been in such a weird space that it’s
basically off the table. But at the same time, I still love her. You get it.”
He gave me a knowing look. I'd filled him in about the Grant fiasco, so he
understood that I was well acquainted with that special feeling of being
utterly confused about my love life.
"I do. Well, I hope it all gets figured out. You know
I'm here if you need me."
We were back in front of my stoop.
“I know. Thanks for this, Tess. It helped to just talk it
out a little.”
“Of course. Let me know what happens when you see her.”
He wrapped me into a hug then set off for the subway. When I
got upstairs the apartment was dark. I checked my phone, and Marley had texted
me that she loved Celine and wanted to hear all about what happened with Finn.
There was no reply waiting from Grant, so I washed off my makeup, brushed my
teeth, and passed out.
The next morning, I awoke to the vibration of my phone. I
normally hated that I was such a light sleeper, but when I saw it was an email
from Grant, my annoyance faded away.
You have no idea how good it is to hear that. I hope the
fact that you miss me means what I’m about to say isn’t too unwelcome.
Mike and Caitlin’s engagement party is next Saturday. I
know we’d RSVPed yes, but obviously I understand if you don’t want me to go or
if you’d rather sit it out. Let me know what you’re thinking?
Holy hell, he was right. The engaged twosome had been our
closest couple friends. Mike and Grant had been in the same fraternity pledge
class. I didn’t love Mike (he was a little too frat star-y for my tastes), but
Caitlin was sweet. So sweet that I don’t think we would have been compatible if
it weren’t for our boyfriends. Still, I really liked her. They were having a
joint engagement party and brunch at the Wythe Hotel in Brooklyn. Caitlin was
the soft-spoken type who wouldn’t say anything, but would definitely be upset
if either Grant or I didn’t show. She was so insular that she had a small group
of close friends, but certainly not enough to populate the kind of engagement
party I knew she wanted. I’m not egoistical in saying our presence would be
missed. But was I really ready to see Grant?
I decided to let it marinate while I explored my new
neighborhood. After a quick shower, I was outside on a gorgeous Sunday. I
grabbed an everything bagel at the shop where I could already foresee becoming
a regular, and picked a random direction to walk in. I hadn’t spent too much
time in this part of the Upper East Side, so everything was new to me. I wanted
to get my mind off the Grant situation so that later, when I came back to it
with a fresh perspective, I could just go with my gut.
A few blocks from home, I saw an intriguing sign scrawled on
a chalkboard. “Carpe Drink ‘Em! Mixology classes start next week!” It was
posted in front of one of those places filled with what were probably once
really nice wood furnishings and lots of red velvet-covered stools. The
40-something, bearded, unsmiling bartender raised an eyebrow and looked me up
and down.
“I’m here about the mixology class.” I made myself put a
firm period to that sentence rather than ending it in a question mark, which I
was tempted to do in his intimidating presence.
“What, you wanna learn how to make a Cosmopolitan?” The
tattooed barkeep snorted at me. I couldn’t tell if it was good-natured sarcasm.
“No, but the Woodford Reserve I had last night piqued my
He appraised me for a second, then nodded approvingly.
“Classes start on Wednesday night. 8-9 p.m., upstairs in our lounge area. I can
set you up with a package deal.”
After he walked me through the details, I realized it was
legit. I was in.
“So, I’ll see you Wednesday. I’m Johnny, by the way.”
“Tessa. See you then. And I hope there aren’t any Cosmos on
the roster. I hate cranberry juice.” I smiled to myself as his laughter
followed me out into the sunshine.
I spent the next few hours feeling buoyed by my decision. I
was doing exactly what Liv had recommended: filling up my time with things
besides Grant so I could determine how I felt about giving him another chance.
As far as I could tell, it was working. My head always felt so much clearer
after I gave my brain a break from everything boy-related.
When I finally returned home after walking over three miles,
I was beat. Celine was out, so I just ordered a pizza and sprawled out on the
couch. I still wasn’t sure what to do about Grant’s message. I can’t think
when I’m on the verge of hangriness, I reassured myself. I’ll decide
After a few slices, my mind was made up. I grabbed my phone
and composed the email.
Wow, I can’t believe it’s already time for their party.
Thanks for giving me a heads-up.
Honestly, I really think we should both go. I mean, we’re
adults. We can handle spending a night in the same place. It’s supposed to be
about their happiness and I don’t want whatever is going on between us to get
in the way of that.
I’ll see you on Saturday.
I read over my note and was reassured I was doing the right
thing. After sending up a silent prayer that I wouldn't come to regret my
decision, I hit "Send."
Curious as to what is going to happen at this engagement party, although I feel like it is setting up some kind of rekindling between Grant and Tessa.
I think that's what's going to happen too... I hope at least!
Was he asking her if they should go together or just finding out if she wanted to go at all? In my mind he was asking her to go with him. Also, I really, really like Finn after this post.
ReplyDeleteDid you mean 'extinguish' here, "unwittingly distinguishing the fire under their asses" - otherwise I might not understand what you were saying. :)
How come Tessa has all this spare time now? When she was with Grant it was work work work. I'm curious to see what's going to happen at the engagement party. A little disappointed that 90% of the post was about Finn's relationship.
ReplyDeleteI'd imagine it's about Finn's relationship because Tessa and Finn will get together...but agree that the all this time thing is weird. Also, and I feel this way about the Elizabeth blog too, these stories are moving way too slowly for once a week posts. It's hard to remember to even get on here and check for the new story because there's no new info that I'm waiting for... I don't feel like what happens with Grant is that exciting at this point, just have them meet up and get something rolling already (one way or the other, whatever it is)...
DeleteI think this is post is one night into the next morning on a weekend.
DeletePossibly but the two have two posts (two weeks) focus on one day is ridiculous. These posts are a drag and there is nothing fun or exciting to look forward to. I mean I want to get into this story but the slow pace, lack of consistency and Tessa not being that likeable isn't helping.
DeleteI think its because her boss is out of town right now.
DeleteI don't know what to tell you about that Anonymous #1, I don't find Tessa unlikeable. A little bland so far sometimes, maybe, but not unlikeable. And it clearly says that she walked back from talking to Finn, went to bed and was awakened the next morning to her phone buzzing from a message from Grant. Not too confusing. Of course she was going to continue with the rest of the night since Amy walked out at the end of the last post.
DeleteI'm not sure what you mean by the lack of consistency. She posts exactly when she said she would each week almost down to the minute. She storyline is completely consistent as well. I wouldn't come back if I weren't enjoying the story.
DeleteHonestly, Amesabelle, I don't need you or anyone else telling me what to do. I'm giving the story a chance because it's new and I want to get into it. Tessa is unlikeable because she acts faultless and self righteous. Inconsistent because we started with a perfect couple and then boom break up. Tessa wanted to work things out, then no. It terribly boring. No need to get testy with other readers. This is one of the slowest moving stories I've read. Hard to get into. Not saying Zahra is a bad writer, she isn't but these posts are a drag.
DeleteAnon, the only testy one here is you. Having a perfect couple break up isn't inconsistent, it's life. Besides, they were hardly a perfect couple. I, for one, find Tessa quite likeable.
DeleteIn no place in any of my comments did I tell you what to do. I said if I weren't happy with the storyline I wouldn't come back. But I am, so I'm here. Chill. there was no testiness either - I think you're imagining a tone that wasn't there.
Delete"Something flashed over Marley’s face, but it was gone in an instant. I wondered whether I had seen anything at all."
ReplyDeleteThis was in the last post about Tessa's story. Maybe I'm nitpicking but I'm still wondering what that was about.
Me too!!! I hope we get to find out!!
DeleteI think you mean "extinguishing" the fire under their asses.. not "distinguishing"
ReplyDeleteCan her and grant please just together already and I'd love for the excitement to start happening it's a good blog just going to slow for my liking
ReplyDeleteSomething about these characters don't seem believable at all. Amy seems like a caricature, of course her parents are named Don and Muffy and are well-off, old fashion, conservative, WASPS. Then we have cool French-girl Celine. And this bad-ass, going to kick your butt bartender. I just.... ugh. Some one posted saying it was inconsistent, but I feel like it's really predictable.