By Zahra Barnes
“We’re near a group of guys playing soccer,” Marley said over
the phone. I tried to block out the noise from the screeching pack of children that
had just swarmed around me. Their Popsicle-smeared mouths hinted that they were
in the throes of a full-blown sugar rush. I grabbed Grant’s hand and scurried
away, trying to find Marley on Central Park’s Great Lawn.
I looked around and saw everyone from toddlers to old men
batting around black and white-patterned balls. America was still smitten after
the World Cup. “There are ten billion people playing soccer, Mar. You’ll have
to be a little more specific.” I hoisted my tote from lower on my arm to my
shoulder in an attempt to stop the sweat that was collecting in the crook of my
elbow. You know those girls who give off a dewy glow in summertime? That’s not
me. Whenever the temperature goes above 75°, I turn into a
swamp monster from hell.
“Okay, I’m waving my arms,” Marley puffed, her voice coming
to me in bursts. “I’m wearing a bikini top with blue and white pants.” I
stopped walking and spun around, looking for Marley’s signature dark, messy
topknot. Finally, I spotted her some yards away, jumping up and down in
enormous white and navy chevron-print palazzo pants. I would have looked like a
moron, but Marley looked gorgeous. I couldn’t help but laugh.
Grant and I picked our way around the many people lying out,
doing our best not to trip over any wayward limbs. A week after Marley’s party,
a group of us were gathering in Central Park for a picnic complete with the
type of luxe food I could usually only dream of. That was thanks to Marley. She
was interning as a Bon Appetit recipe
tester to beef up her résumé
for culinary school, so it wasn’t unusual for her to take home leftovers
like orange ginger salmon jerky or bourbon caramel marshmallows. It was the
reason raiding her fridge was high on the list of my favorite activities.
“Hi, guys!” Marley almost toppled me with a hug. She grew up
as the child of hippies who, perhaps to prove their authenticity, named her
after their personal hero, Bob. We met when she went to a gallery opening soon
after I started at Grey & Boehm, and we had been close ever since. She was
the touchy-feeliest friend I had ever had. After she released me, I bent down
and hugged our friend Finn, then his girlfriend Amy. Finn and I met our senior
year at Ohio State when we were partnered together for an assignment in the astronomy
course Planets and the Solar System. I went into the class expecting to get
into heartfelt debates about why Pluto still deserved to be a planet. Instead,
I was slapped in the face with an introduction to astrophysics. If it hadn’t
been for Finn helping me out, I wouldn’t have scraped by with a B-. He and Amy started dating a bit after Grant
and I got together, and we’d welcomed her into our group without hesitation.
I unfurled my picnic blanket and plopped onto it, shoving my
aviators onto my head on the way down. “We just signed for a place!” I threw my
arms in the air, still high over the rush of scoring an apartment. After last
week’s debacle, I made it my mission to send out as many Craigslist feelers a
day as possible. I organized this viewing at the last second, and we signed the
papers right before heading over to Central Park. It was a cozy little one-bedroom on the Lower
East Side. I was practically salivating over The Container Store binge that was
in my future.
“What?!” Marley squealed and glanced around before passing
me a cup of rosé.
“Show me, show me, show me!” I pulled out my phone and opened a video
tour of the place. “It has a breakfast nook? I think you’re officially an
adult,” she said in awe.
“Yeah, and it’s close to so many good restaurants,” Grant
added happily. He took off his loafers and dug his toes into the grass. Even
his feet were sexy.
Finn grabbed my phone to take a better look. “Good find,” he
said as he scrolled through the pictures. “This is an especially nice shot of
the place,” he deadpanned and held up my phone so I could see what he was
looking at. He had flipped too far back and landed on a picture of me trying to
smize at the camera. I looked like I was having a stroke. Selfies have never
really been my thing.
“Yeah, thanks.” I snatched my phone away and shoved him,
laughing. “Speaking of nice things, that’s a cool tie, Finnegan.” He had always been a little self-conscious about his
name, and emphasizing it usually got him to shut up. “Perfect for Central Park
lounging.” I took a swig of my drink and smugly noted the flush spreading
across his cheeks.
“I may have to go into work today,” he said while smoothing
his tie down. Finn worked at a finance company, doing something in accounting I
couldn’t quite understand even though he had explained it to me countless
“Really? I thought
going into work on Saturdays was my thing. How’s it going at the office?” Finn
finished straightening his tie as I spoke, and Amy immediately swooped in to
fix his collar. They were like a well-oiled machine.
He opened his mouth to respond, but Amy jumped in first.
“Before he starts complaining, please remember he makes almost six figures
before his bonus.” She rolled her eyes and patted his chest.
“But what does it matter if I don’t have time to do anything
with the money?” he countered. Over many beers in college, Finn had told me all
about how he felt pressured to follow in his big brother Connor’s footsteps. At
29, Connor was one of the finance world’s quickly-rising stars. Finn obviously
had a natural aptitude for that kind of thing, and he seemed open to taking
that path. Now I was starting to wonder if he was just resigned to it.
Amy pursed her lips and spooned some olive and parmesan
tapenade onto rosemary crackers. She worked in merchandising for J.Crew, and
was used to living a charmed life. Being with Finn, who would one day make
serious bank, was a part of that package.
“So, what are you going to do about it?” I directed at Finn.
He paused before answering and I put an entire crostini topped with truffle-infused
cheese into my mouth, then had to stop my eyes from rolling back into my head
in quasi-orgasmic pleasure. My life’s eternal question is this: which do I love
more, food or sex? At that moment, food was the clear victor.
Finn finally shrugged and squinted at the sky. “I don’t know
if I can do anything about it right now. Just going to stick it out.”
I shook my head emphatically and finished swallowing before
I dropped some knowledge. “Finn, this is New York. Not to sound like a cheesy ass,
but you can do anything you want here. There’s no reason to let yourself get
stuck in something you hate.”
Amy shot me an annoyed look and I stared her down. As much
as I liked her, sometimes I just couldn’t stand how uptight she was. It was
even evident in how we were sitting—the rest of us were sprawled all over each
other like a pile of puppies, and she, not a blond hair out of place, couldn’t
deviate from the bolt straight posture years of ballet had ingrained in her. She
was the perfect person to go to for tough love, but sometimes her lack of emotion
made her seem like a scary robot. I broke eye contact and pushed the top of my
dress down so I was just in my bikini top.
My ancestry is as mixed up as Jonathan Travolta trying to
introduce Idina Menzel, so my skin tone typically defaults to “just got back
from a two weeks in the tropics.” I had been spending so much time at Grey
& Boehm that my usual nutty color had taken on a sickly yellow undertone,
and I was psyched to get some sun. I piled my hair on top of my head, spread
sunblock all over myself and lay down on my back. I felt Marley’s head settle
onto my stomach.
“I went on that date last night,” she started.
“With the guy from Tinder? And?”
“It was weird. He kept asking me my thoughts on various
conspiracy theories. We’re on a first date, I don’t want to talk about
presidents getting assassinated,” she explained without remorse. “But I have
another one tonight, with someone from OkCupid.” Marley threw herself headlong
into whatever she was currently obsessed with. At the moment, it was dating.
I propped myself up on my elbows and shielded my face. “Mar,
the internet is great and all, but look around. Central Park in summer is
basically a meat-market.” I waved my arm grandiosely and surveyed the scene. There
were Columbia grad students and hot, potentially divorced dads galore.
“At least on the internet I can take some time to figure out
how to respond to them. You know how tongue-tied I get!” Poor Marley. She was incredibly
outgoing, but a hot guy rendered her mute. As Amy gave her some
how-to-be-assertive advice, I dozed off.
I woke up to my phone chirping with its “You need to be at
Grey & Boehm in an hour!” alarm. Since lying out in the park has the same
effect on me as a horse tranquilizer probably would, I knew I’d need a wake-up
call so I could make it to work on time. Marian had asked me to come in to meet
our new hire before the space filled with people wanting to see Imogen’s
When I got to the gallery, Marian was talking to a willowy woman
with copper-colored hair who looked to be about my age. Their heads both
swiveled as I entered and a small smile twitched on Marian’s lips, which was
her version of an effusive greeting. “Ah, here she is. Tessa, this is Olivia,
our new Artist Marketing Liaison. Olivia, as I told you, Tessa is our Event
Coordinator. You two will have to work very closely together.”
Olivia and I shook hands and I subtly sized her up. Her
features were a little off. Her chin was a tad pointy and her hazel eyes were
huge, but the end result was stunning. “You can call me Liv. Nice to meet you,”
she grinned at me. Gorgeous teeth, too.
“You, too! Welcome to Grey & Boehm.”
Marian disappeared into her office, so Liv and I spent some
time chatting. She had just finished up the same type of marketing job for
Royce Hall, UCLA’s center for performing arts. We were making a push to snag
more impressive talent at Grey & Boehm, so we needed all the help we could
get. Liv excused herself to the bathroom, and I walked over to my desk to take
a seat. All that sun had made me a little woozy.
There was a gift bag sitting on my desk. Puzzled, I
unwrapped it and found a beautiful hammered rose gold ring dish from Anthropologie.
“A pre-apartment warming present, and a reward for your dedication to Grey
& Boehm,” a card read in Marian’s distinctive slanted script. I was
touched. This was how she was always able to reel me back in. Yeah, maybe she’d
make me do unreasonable things like spend my entire day off at the office, but without
fail, she showed me how much she appreciated me afterward. I knew she noticed
everything I did, and that only made me want to work harder.
Marian emerged from her office and I held up the dish,
walking over to her. “Marian, thank you so much! I love it.”
She looked pleased. “Well, I know you had plans on opening
night, but Imogen would never have done the show if not for you,” she admitted.
She reached a hand toward me and I, surprised, leaned in to
give her a hug. Marian wasn’t the type to ever show any physical affection. I
realized too late that she was just trying to pick some lint from my top. I
paused for a second, then dropped one arm and awkwardly patted her shoulder with
the other hand. So smooth.
Liv joined us. “Tessa, are you busy?” Marian took a subtle
step away from me and focused her sight on us like a laser. “I was telling Olivia
you know so much about the city. Perhaps you should take her for a drink and
get to know one another.” I knew Marian just wanted us to get along so the
office would run as smoothly as possible, but I hated when she sprung stuff on
me. My crazy roommate Julie was out of town and I was excited to have a pantless
Netflix and wine session before Grant came over later.
Liv looked delighted and relieved, though. “That sounds
great!” she said to me, staring at me with those big eyes.
“Sure!” I pasted a
bright smile on my face. A quick drink couldn’t hurt. “I actually know of a
great spot not too far from your place,” I offered. Liv had mentioned that she lived
on the Lower East Side, where I’d be moving soon with Grant. “Verlaine makes
the best lychee cocktails you’ll ever have. It’ll be a good introduction to the
As soon as we sat down and ordered, the questions came
rapid-fire. “Okay, we’re away from the office.” Liv’s huge eyes gleamed
mischievously, and in that moment I knew I liked her. “What’s the deal with
Marian? What’s she like? Spill.”
I laughed. “What do you mean?” I knew Marian was odd, but I
was feeling extra loyal after the gift.
“She’s obviously brilliant and big in the art world,” Liv paid
her verbal dues. The waitress placed the first of two lychee martinis on the
table and Liv smiled up and nodded her thanks. God, this place had speedy
service. Liv took a tentative sip and her eyes widened appreciatively.
“Good, right?” I took a hearty gulp of my own. I could
already feel it warm my insides and start to undo the stress I had been dealing
with the past week. Between artists’ egos and our efforts to land better shows,
the pressure had been ramping up. Now with Liv on board, some of the burden would
hopefully come off me. That giddy realization combined with the alcohol tempted
to loosen my tongue.
“Marian is a character, obviously. But she’s so hugely
influential. Dealing with her, uh, strong personality is totally worth it. I
mean, I’m sure you experienced that sort of thing in the LA art scene.” I
steered her away from the topic of Marian. I was fine with some good-natured gossip,
but I didn’t feel right getting into details, like the time I did some web snooping
and found Marian’s very strange eHarmony profile.
Liv regaled me with tales of LA life and stories about her former
boss. “He was a total pig.” She shook her head and fished the lychee out of the
bottom of her martini glass. “A total pig who was amazing in bed.” Liv closed
her eyes and I couldn’t tell whether she was savoring the fruit or the memory
of her boss’ sexual talents.
I almost choked on my drink. Was she serious? Did she
consider this getting-to-know-you conversation?
Liv opened her eyes and read my expression in an instant.
“Oh, it was a total mistake. I was dumb. It happened once, and I couldn’t
salvage the situation. So I left,” she said lightly, shrugging like she was
talking about something as casual as spilling her drink at the bar. After
another hour and a half with Liv, we parted ways. Even though the admission
about her boss had thrown me, I admired that she gave herself permission to be
so open.
I headed to my apartment to meet Grant. As the cab raced
uptown, I let my head loll against the leather seat and watched the lights of
the city flash by. I’m in New York,
living my dream, I told myself. The thought would hit me at the most random
times and I’d get a sort of bird’s-eye view of my life, realizing how lucky I
was. Seeing Grant threw my euphoria into overdrive. I was the human equivalent
of the heart-eyed emoji.
“Someone had a good day after the park.” Clearly amused by
my mood, Grant wrapped me in his arms once we were outside my door.
“I did,” I nodded happily. “How was yours?” Remnants of my tipsiness
made it hard for me to fit my key in the lock.
“Good. I worked on that big presentation I’ve got coming up
in a few weeks. Time to blow off some steam.” Grant had been working on this
project for months. If he really killed it, there was a chance he’d get a major
raise and potentially even a promotion.
I was still struggling with the door, and Grant took the
opportunity to turn me around and slip his hand up my dress.
“You looked so hot all day in this thing,” he whispered in
my ear. He lightly traced his lips along my neck and I promptly turned into a
wobbly-kneed, babbling puddle of goo. I tugged at his belt and we kissed until we
were in danger of using the hallway floor as a bed, neighbors be damned. I forced
myself to turn around, focused all my brain power on that door, and finally got
us inside. We tumbled onto the couch, breathing heavily already, and Grant gave
me something else to smile about.
I sense liv is going to start some trouble. my kind of girl!
ReplyDeleteGlad Tessa resisted the temptation to talk about Marian to Liv! Have a feeling that Liv could be bad news, but am excited to see where it goes!
ReplyDeleteAnother good week.
ReplyDeleteHey guys check out my blogs and tell me what you think
Sweety i love both of ur blogs.the bad part is u take forever to post a story that n de fact that we cant comment coz its imposseble to do a fan
DeleteI attempted to read you blogs too but it's hard when everything is clumped together. Paragraphs would make it easier.
DeleteI like Tessa...its different from Joise and its a so captivating :)
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to read what's going to happen next. I have a feeling that Liv is going to make things quite interesting!
I LOVE Tessa's story! So nice to not read about the stereotypical "my life's a mess and I make poor choices" in her 20s woman and deal with someone who's fairly happy and mature instead
ReplyDeleteAs a girl in a relationship, living in Manhattan, I'm happy to read about someone else who isn't a single girl making all these choices that make her unlikable as a character. It's nice to know that she's holding it together. I'm sure that Tessa and Grant can have plenty of drama and excitement, without one cheating on the other - or breaking up with the other just to add something "bold" to the blog. Nicely done! Also - Liv sounds like she's going to be such bad news... As does Amy!
ReplyDeleteI predict that Liv will be the first taste of drama we see in Tessa's story. I really love hearing Tessa's story so far! Your writing style and word choices really distinguish your quality posts. Looking forward to seeing where the rest of Tessa's story goes.
Not a fan of these stories it's confusing switching from one to another unlike Josie
ReplyDeleteI dunno, I think I'll be skipping Tuesday stories...I can't seem to get into it and find myself scrolling through the story rather than hanging on the edge of my seat devouring every word like I did with Josie's story. Oh well! At least I'll still have my Thursdays.
ReplyDeleteGreat post! Check out my blog!
I'm not feeling this new story. Yes it's well written but it's boring and too dry for me. Reading it is like watching paint dry. I'll try to give it another chance to draw me in next week before quitting.
ReplyDeleteAnyone know of similar blogs to Josie's story?
I think she's just establishing a well structured back story. I wouldn't give up faith just yet!
DeleteI'm thinking with Liv in her job, gorgeous, and same neighborhood as Tessa that Liv will stir something up with Grant. HOPE NOT.
ReplyDeleteI love the story. As much as I want Tessa to be happy, I can't wait for the inevitable drama! Everyone thinks Liv will be trouble, but is anybody else concerned about Finn's uptight girlfriend? I also have a feeling Finn may have some feelings for Tessa...
Yes! She seems like she would want to create drama!!
DeleteI wished I could get into Tessa's story but it's just not interesting, I just don't connect with the characters ,
ReplyDeleteMe neither...I'm kinda sick of the whole New-York-as-the-center-of-the-Universe thing and none of these characters are particularly interesting.
DeleteAnyone else here miss K from the original Bedroom Blog?
Raising both hands! I miss K and even Josie. This story as boring. I find myself skipping most of it and reading the comments. Jessica should of done Josie and then Elizabitch. I think Zahra is very talented but this story is different from what we're expecting and a dull. It's a let down.
DeleteAgreed! The Elizabeth storyline is pretty good so far...I really like Jessica's writing style.
DeleteSorry, Zahra, but your story isn't my cup of joe...
I don't Zahra cares what any of us think about her posts. She's a great writer. I think she's better suited for novel writing, not blogging. However I'm wondering if this is difficult to get into because the posts are weekly? I dunno. I miss k so much.
DeleteI really hope nothing happens between Liv and Grant. I am enjoying this blog a lot because I think Liv and Grant are great together, and it's finally a blog of a mature relationship. Every blog nowadays has someone cheating, so I wish that's not going to be the case. Otherwise, I love the writing behind this blog!
ReplyDeleteI wish this was on it's own separate blog so I can keep it apart from Elizabeth's story and the LSP in general! I totally love it, just wish it was separate
ReplyDeleteWhat's the point of say "I miss K." I honestly think people are just saying that because they are trying to prove how far back they have been reading blogs. Every story needs time to introduce everyone, if you aren't happy, walk away. K wasn't that great, in fact there were lots of comments complaining that the posts were too far apart and short. And blah blah blah blah. And News flash this isn't The Bedroom Blog. There are tons of other blogs out there and no one ever comments "miss K" on those because they are totally different blogs!
ReplyDeleteLastly I agree with Ayssa, if the posts were more than once a week it would probably be a lot easier to get into.
I'm really enjoying reading Tessa's story, there's a lot of potential for a lot of drama, because of all the different characters already introduced. Looking forward to reading about it.
Zahra, I think you are doing a fantastic job! Like others, I wouldn't say no to an extra post every week, but I'm certainly not faulting you for it! Thank you for providing us with a good read every week... really looking forward to seeing where this blog is heading!
ReplyDeleteLove it but it could be a bit more detailed in the bedroom aspect of the story. Anyways, keep up the good work.
ReplyDeleteI actually love this story line ! Thank you Zahra ! I really enjoy reading it. I love the fact that the main character isn't searching for love and that she is in love. It's different.
ReplyDeleteZahra your blog is awesome and a source of useful sex education